Welcome, friends! This blog is essentially intended to be a space for my food-related adventures and discoveries, enhanced by your priceless input.
There are several regular features, such as:
Original recipes: Cara-developed and approved. These are the entries with simply a recipe name in the title.
Food Foto: When an entire recipe is not yet warranted, and I want to share a little visual food pleasure, I'll snap a shot of my plate and post with a short explanation.
THIS JUST IN: Interesting, general food tidbits and good reads from the Internets.
Cara Investigates: Where I delve into some mystery, whether a developing food trend, a cooking technique, a gluten free product, or some interesting gluten free tidbit that requires a little research.
On Location: Cooking in other kitchens, sometimes with other cooks, and visits to review gluten free food establishments and fun specialty food locales.
The Boyfriend Cooks: When you can eat anything except shellfish, it's not always easy to cook for a gluten freer. These segments are the contributed adventures of a Sir Benjamin, in his always-valiant attempts to cook safely and deliciously for me.
Recipe Recycle: What would the cooking world be without the input of others? This segment features a recipe I've come across or tested, either naturally and intentionally gluten free, or with the appropriate adaptations.